Dear all,
Whilst we are all learning new ways of living, working and playing in this lockdown period, there are some opportunities to have your say on the work that Council are doing to create a better future for Upper Hutt at on several different levels.
We are looking at changes we might want to make to the District Plan and Plan Change 50 is the tool to do that. If you would like to have your say on lot sizes, where houses can be built and other aspects of living in Upper Hutt, take a look at the information here.
The Sustainability Strategy is under review and we would like your thoughts and opinions on what we can do to ensure that what we do today does not take away from the needs and wants of future generations. Your feedback is due by 30 April so please take the time to read through the document here and have your say.
One of the major pieces of work we do each three years is to review our Long Term Plan (LTP). The LTP sets out what we will do to support you with projects that help you to live, work and play in Upper Hutt. We would like to hear your thoughts on what is important to you – you can have your say here.
We are meeting this Thursday, 9 April to discuss how we can support the Upper Hutt community with rates and I will advise the outcome, in the meantime, if you are struggling to pay rates in this lockdown period or beyond, please do call our Rates team on 04 527 2169 or email them on [email protected].
Please keep up-to-date on how we are supporting the Upper Hutt community throughout the lockdown period with the information provided on our website or for national and Government updates on their website
Take care, stay safe and keep in touch. We can do this. Together.