Meet Angela
It is time for a change, a fresh yet trusted approach from someone who has her finger on the pulse of those who live, work, play and care about the future of Upper Hutt.
With 20 years under her belt in leadership, Angela is an experienced change maker, a local business owner of Maidstone Yamaha, the highest elected Councillor in 2019, and in her third term as a Councillor for Upper Hutt.

More About Angela
She manages the Policy, Leadership and Development for Rural Women New Zealand through relationships with Government, public sector and academic institutions, was their former Acting Chief Executive and has worked in Parliament as a Policy, Research and Communications Advisor.
Angela is not afraid of facing the tough stuff, or being engaged in a good healthy debate about the real issues that everyday people experience in our city, she is genuinely interested in hearing the voices of the people and doing everything in her power to make changes in the things that matter the most, which include:
● Health and wellbeing
● Access to medical care for all
● Environmental protection
● The challenges of an integrated transport system
● Rural living issues
● Economic recovery and development
● Safer communities for all
Angela cares. She is your voice, focuses on your concerns and engages with all. Rivers and roads; businesses and schools; rural and urban.
There’s a future to plan for. It is time to collaboratively create community change we all want.
Vote Angela McLeod for Mayor. Let’s create change together. #TeamMcLeod
To see more about Angela and the work she is doing and has done connect with her below:
Angela McLeod – The Spirit of Community
In rural Upper Hutt, keeping the farm going took the whole village.
“‘Many hands make light work’ is true in a farming sense. We supported each other and worked together.”
Every day after school, the kids would barrel into the kitchen, where a scrap of paper would be waiting on the bench: To do. There was always more to do. It didn’t matter if it was feeding out, mustering, or cooking for the family, they were there and ready to muck in. And they were happy to do it.
“I have no doubt about it. I loved the way I grew up.”
But everyone has to leave home sometime. Angela left Upper Hutt to fly solo, passionate about improving the lives of everyday people. She studied Agriculture at Massey, cooking up grand plans to bring the cutting edge technology she’d learned about to struggling African farmers.
Then, tragedy struck. In a head-on collision on the Desert Road, woke up in hospital with two broken legs, a broken arm and broken back. Doctors told her she was lucky to be alive. When she was discharged, she needed in-home care, so she moved in with her Great Aunt (and, later, her Grandma) who cared for her as she was rehabilitating. But it wasn’t just family – it was the whole community. Her doctor wisely advised her to consider volunteering while she got better, which brought her to the Trade Aid family who not only opened their arms to Angela, but also gave her vital mentorship. Here Angela learned about the women-run businesses who produced the products she was selling, which sparked a deep passion that continues to fuel her today.
“When you’re in full rehab, families and communities are what make your world tick. It teaches you how people can support each other and how important that is. Having all that family and community around me got me out of there walking.”
Angela emerged from recovery with a new lease on life and a passion for community-led change. This brought her to parliament and politics, where she worked on ground-breaking legislation. She championed the Right to flexible work and country of origin labelling of food Sue Kedgely, demanding that food companies tell us where our food comes from. She also worked on the Pay Equity Coalition, a vital step towards equality in the workplace. She then looked abroad for more opportunities to serve. In 2012, Angela was scouted by the International Federation of Business and Professional Women. There, she was able to lend her voice to such worthy causes as #BringBackOurGirls, a global effort to rescue Nigerian schoolgirls from Islamist organisation Boko Haram.
And now that she’s got the experience, she’s ready to bring it all back to where she started. Angela wants to help – but she’s not here to take the reins and do it all by herself. She wants to help Upper Hutt make Upper Hutt better – because it’s always better when the community decides.
“I remember my father saying to me, ‘you’re not the sort of leader that’s going to go, “This is how it is”. You actually like to discuss it with people. And you actually listen to their ideas.”
And Angela reckons that’s exactly what Upper Hutt needs.
“How I grew up… that’s how I want to be able to do things. It takes all sorts of people to make the world go round. There are a whole lot of people in the Upper Hutt community that know things that I don’t know who can feed into what it is that we do. You need to be able to get around the table and talk about things.”
With good leadership, the spirit of community really works. It just takes someone to bring people to the table in the right way. Angela knows that with a little nudging, Upper Hutt can come together and find the best outcome for everybody.
“That’s the way I work. I’d be like the hen with her chickens, gathering them in and having that discussion with them. There are people in the community doing really good stuff. It’s just about getting them together.”
“There’s just so much potential in a lot of our cities and towns, and Upper Hutt is one of them. There are a lot of things that we can take from the community as it was back then and put it into what it is now.”
“Being who I was on the farm and having the family and the community that we had – – to have all that support takes you to this place.”
“The mayor only has one vote. Good leadership would mean that the team works together to take the community from this point to that point. It takes a village.”

Results & Accomplishments
Waste Management and Minimisation
Chair of Upper Hutt City Council Community Grants Committee
Water Consents
Highlighted the challenge we face with consents granted to businesses to take water from our groundwater zone, especially for bottling and export. Please view the story here.
It’s time for a change…
I have known Angela for 15 years and in that time seen her deep commitment to the community in all that she does. Angela has done the hard yards and is dedicated to serving others. I respect and value her greatly, and I believe she will be a superb Mayor for Upper Hutt. Kia kaha rā Angela!”

YWCA Board Aotearoa/New Zealand
September 2015 – September 2017
Board Member
- Co-opted onto the Board to fill a vacancy
- Mentor young women members in advocacy, governance and communications
- Support the buildng of a new board with co-president model and cross-generational leadership
UN Women National Committee Aotearoa/New Zealand September 2014 – 2015
President (Board Member from September 2011)
- Lead the organisation in it’s role to empower women in the Pacific through UN Women projects
- Chair AGM, Board and Executive meetings and lead the organisation’s strategy for success
- Member of New Zealand WEPs Working Group (Women’s Empowerment Principles); Newsletter Editor
BPW International Public Relations Standing Committee
June 2011 – June 2014
Expert Panel Member
- Organisation of an experienced and competent team at Congress to ensure adequate media coverage and daily press releases and daily news sheets for delegates followed by implementation of resolutions on Public Relations approved as BPW International policy at Congress
- Promotion of BPW International publications including recommendations for new publications and advertising material and supply of same to editors on a regular basis
- Liaison with the Administrator, President and Membership Chair in the production of BPW International publicity/promotional materials following consultation with other committees, especially the Membership Committee, on the creation of such materials
- Produce Press Releases whenever events of note organised by Affiliates take place where BPW International is involved for distribution to an updated list of international press agencies, TV Channels and other communication networks
- Maintenance of contacts with Affiliates in each region so they send information about their future programmes for help in their promotion
Upper Hutt Rural Residents Association
August 2011 – October 2013
Policy Chair
- Identify issues affecting rural sector of Upper Hutt and building policy from that
- Write submissions to territorial authorities and present oral submissions on same
- Develop Rural Strategy for local council to include in long term plan (in association with the Mayor)
Pay Equity Challenge Coalition September 2009 – January 2018
Media Spokesperson and Former Co-Chair
- Chair strategy and planning meetings
- Effective team member in media strategy planning, media releases, and other written communication
- Effective spokesperson at TV, radio and newspaper interviews
Upper Hutt Chapter – AFS Student Cultural Exchange in Recess
- Rebuild the chapter committee to ensure the success of the programme
- Mentor current and new committee members in their roles
- Lead long term strategic planning and short term schedules
- Ensure chapter communication is open and transparent with members, host families and students
New Zealand Federation of Business and Professional Women (BPWNZ)
Presently: Past President
Former: Immediate Past President, President, Vice President, Legislation
- Mentor and support Executive members and clubs throughout New Zealand
- Chair Resolutions Committee and debates at Conference; prepare resolutions for International conferences on behalf of NZ; chaired conferences using standing orders; prepare briefing papers
- Raise the profile and increase the effectiveness of BPWNZ through press releases and interviews and at events through effective networking as well as liaising with corporations and other non-Government Organisations
- Researched, written and presented submissions to select committees and coordinated lobbying on important issues
- Provided written reports and presented orally on the progress of Issues activities to the bi-monthly Executive meeting and to the annual Conference
Coalition for Quality Flexible Work Legislation
2005 – Present
- Effective team member in the development of marketing and lobbying strategies
- Met and effectively negotiated with members of parliament opposed to the proposed legislation
- Written and presented speeches at media launches and other events
- Presented and answered well at TV, radio and newspaper interviews
- I am proud of the part I played in this Coalition as the right to request flexible work is now law
Oceania Motocross Committee
- Seek and generate funding and sponsorship
- Organised competitor accommodation, meals and transport
- Organised the Welcome function, sponsors night, prizegiving and the weekend itinerary for the participants (from sponsors to competitors and their families)
- Actively involved with the promotion of the event and produced the program
- At the actual event I was involved with the compilation of points as well as being part of the management team ensuring the smooth running of the event
Trade Aid Movement
1993 – 1999
Convenor Trade Aid Movement Council
- Advised and liaised with the shops in their business growth throughout my region
- Involved in the strategic planning of the Trade Aid movement
- Involved with plans for the education of members and New Zealanders through the promotion of Trade Aid products, philosophies and third world issues
- Facilitated the National Conferences and both Regional and Council meetings
- Decision maker between meetings
- Wrote and delivered speeches and reports to attendance’s of 120 plus
Get In Touch
Angela Mcleod
This website is authorised by Angela McLeod, 227c Whiteman's Valley Road, RD1, Upper Hutt.
© 2022 -2024 Angela Mcleod. All Rights Reserved
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Meet Angela
© 2022 -2024 Angela Mcleod. All Rights Reserved
Designed by Scarlett Web Design
My Details
227c Whiteman’s Valley Road,
Upper Hutt, 5371
Mobile: 027 497 2761
Email: [email protected]
© 2022 -2024 Angela Mcleod. All Rights Reserved
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